that speak far louder America in 2014, like France in 1788 or the
Soviet Union in 1988 AMERICA'S POOR HEALTH CARE CHEMICALS THE WAR ON DRUGS EDUCATION AND STUDENT DEBT BAIL OUTS FOR THE RICH DEBT AMERICA'S MIDDLE CLASS, SINKING INTO POVERTYToday, the American middle and lower classes are in the their worst crisis since the Great Depression. Wages are back to where they were in the 1960's. Debts have soared. America and Poverty A Sorry Record (WFF Chart) The Real Economy: Some Charts (WFF Chart) Social Mobility in America Lags Behind "Old" Europe. Hertz, an Assistant Professor of Economics at American University in Washington, DC, takes a scientific and statistical look at socio-economic mobility in the United States. He finds disturbing evidence that poverty is on the rise in America and that upward economic mobility between generations in the United States, long a heralded advantage of living in this country, lags significantly behind many developed countries, especially in Western Europe. Read the report: "Understanding Mobility in America: PDF" (Center for American Progress, 4-26-06) More Evidence That Half of America Is In Or Near Poverty (Truth Out, 3-24-14) There are more Americans living in poverty than what the official numbers indicate. The official poverty threshold reflects living standards that prevailed in the mid-1950's. It needs to be adjusted for the current day standard of living. Food costs have doubled since the 1980's, housing has tripled, medical costs are six times higher and college tuition is eleven times higher. Not to mention that half of Americans own NOTHING. 47% of Americans on the bottom own 1.1% of America's net wealth. What all this means is that HALF of Americans are in poverty! One in Four Households Have No Net Worth (Economy in Crisis, 3-30-11) Almost a Third of Americans Under 35 Are Living With Their Parents: (FedUpUSA) According to a stunning Gallup Survey, nearly 3 out of 10 young adults are living at home with their parents. This is due to unrealistic housing costs as well as a weak job market. Half of Food Stamp Recipients are Children (CNN Money, 11-26-13) Food stamps are currently feeding 47 million people. Enrollment in the program has surged since the recession, 15% of the population is on the program. Children account for 45% of food stamps. The White House also highlighted in a 2011 survey that most of food stamps go to the elderly, children and people with disabilities. Poverty and Society by Daniel Devine. (Paperback) Excellent book on government social programs around the world. Shows history of programs. This book knocks down the delusions that U.S. government is "too big". (In reality it's the smallest in the developed world as a share of GNP). Nearly 40 percent of mothers are now the family breadwinners, report says (Washington Post, 5-29-13) The Globalization of Hypocrisy (Common Dreams, 5-20-13) Debtpocalypse and the hollowing out of America (Jeralee, 12-7-12) The New Slavery Is Bigger Than The Old Slavery: More Black Men Are in Prison
or on Probation Today Than Were Enslaved In 1850 (Huffington Post, 10-12-11) Former President Clinton's Welfare Reforms of the 1990's Made America's Poorest Families Even More Poor (Center for Budget and Priorities, Off The Charts, 5-25-11) AMERICA'S DECLINING WAGES Minimum wage would be $21.72 if it kept pace with increase in productivity (Huffington Post, 2-13-13) The Middle Class Myth: Here's Why Wages are Really So Low Today (Salon, 12-30-13) What the Recovery is Leaving Behind: The Long-Term Unemployed and Living Wage Jobs (The Shriver Brief, 10-29-13) The Collapse of the Hourly Wage (Counter Punch, 6-10-13) Elizabeth Warren: Minimum Wage Would Be $22 An Hour If It Had Kept Up With Productivity (Huffington Post, 3-18-13) GLOBAL POVERTY Growth of the World's Slums (World Future Fund Chart) There are 85 People Who Are As Wealthy As Half the world. (Huffington Post, 1-21-14) Crisis Squeezes Income and Puts Pressure on Inequality and Poverty (OECD Report, 2013) Poverty Facts and Stats (Global Issues) CHILD POVERTY America and Poverty A Sorry Record (World Future Fund Chart) America's Greatest Shame: Child Poverty Rises and Food Stamps Cut While Billionaires Boom (Alternet, 11-1-13) Study: Poor Children are Now the Majority in American Public Schools in South, West (Washington Post, 10-16-13) UNICEF Report On Child Well-being Shows U.S. Near Bottom Of List (International Business Times, 4-11-13) Read the Report Here: "Child Well Being in Rich Countries: A Comparative Overview" (PDF) UNEMPLOYMENT Record Low Number of Adults in Workforce (MSN Money, 2-10-14) America Needs a Better Measure of Unemployment (Against Crony Capitalism, 3-24-14) If we measured unemployment today in the same way that we did during the Great Depression of the 1930's, today's unemployment would be worse than any single year of the Great Depression. Even with the Fed saying that unemployment rates are at "6.5%," much of the numbers are very doctored. The official numbers do not take into account the people who have dropped out of the job market completely and given up looking for work. PREDICTIONS OF COMING ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IN AMERICA FROM THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG The "official" unemployment numbers do not reflect the real situation in America. The reality is that there are less jobs now for Americans than when this century first began. A key factor in unemployment is the off-shoring of millions of jobs that will not be coming back. There is also the replacement of workers with technology. Yet there are predictions that America has not seen the worst of its economic crisis. There are predictions that this whole situation is about to get even worse. MASS INCARCERATION: THE NEW SLAVERY The Sentencing Project The New Slavery Is Bigger Than The Old Slavery: More Black Men Are in Prison or on Probation Today Than Were Enslaved In 1850 (Huffington Post, 10-12-11) Black men are over represented in prison for drug based crimes, even though whites use and deal drugs at similar rates. Imprisonment may be the new way to disenfranchise Black men. The New Jim Crow: Drug Policy as Race Policy (The New York Times, 3-6-12) Read The New Jim Crow on Amazon There Are 10 Times More Mentally Ill People Behind Bars Than in State Hospitals (Mother Jones, 4-8-14) AMERICA'S POOR HEALTH CARE CHEMICALS THE WAR ON DRUGS EDUCATION AND STUDENT DEBT BAIL OUTS FOR THE RICH DEBT RELIGION POLITICAL SCANDAL CHRIS HEDGES LIFE AND DEATH IN AMERICA: THE AMERICAN HEALTH CARE CRISISToday, it is estimated that anywhere between 20,000 - 45,000 Americans die from a lack of health care coverage per year (New York Times, 9-17-09) Single Payer Health Insurance Plan, The Only Effective Option For Keeping America Healthy (World Future Fund Report) 32 Year old Florida Woman Dies on Stranger's Doorstep From Lack of Health Care (Daily KOS, 4-9-14) Beyond the Spin, Some Facts About the Affordable Care Act (Aljazeera, 10-14-13) Left Behind: Stories From Obamacare's 31 Million Uninsured (Washington Post, 9-8-13) Woman Who Obama Cited as Obamacare Success Story Now Says She Can't Afford Health Care Coverage (Reason, 11-19-13) Obamacare Could Force 80 Million Off Employer-Provided Plans (Free Beacon, 11-26-13) Sorry Liberals, Obamacare's Problems Go Much Deeper Than the Website (Washington Post, 10-25-13) Why Obama's Public Option Is Defective, and Why We Need Single-Payer (Physicians For a National Health Program, 7-22-09) AMERICA'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG ADDICTION 7 Drugs Whose Dangerous Risks Emerged Only After Big Pharma Made Its Money (Alternet, 1-2-14) Prescription Drugs Now Kill More People in the US than Heroine and Cocaine Combined (Business Insider, 9-26-12) THE FORCED DRUGGING OF CHILDREN Forced Drugging and Special Services: (Psych Rights PDF) Forced Drugging of Children in Foster Care: (Pysch Rights PDF) The Business of ADHD (PBS) Ritalin Proven More Potent Than Cocaine: Nearly 10 Million Kids Drugged (Rense) AMERICA'S POOR HEALTH CARE CHEMICALS THE WAR ON DRUGS EDUCATION AND STUDENT DEBT BAIL OUTS FOR THE RICH DEBT POISON IN THE BLOOD:HUNDREDS OF UNREGULATED CHEMICALS IN AMERICAN BLOODFailure of U.S. Chemical Testing: Poison in The Blood(World Future Fund) EPA and EU Sites Concerning Chemicals and Human Health (World Future Fund) Chemicals and Health Organizations (World Future Fund) From fertiliser to Zyklon B: 100 years of the scientific discovery that brought life and death (The Guardian, 11-2-13) AMERICA'S WAR ON DRUGSAmerica is the world's leader in incarceration with around 2.2 million people currently in prison or jail. This marks a 500% increase in the incarcerated population since the war on drugs began in the 1980's. Drug offenders even make up a majority of the Federal Prison population. Yet most evidence shows that the war on drugs has been an abysmal failure. The proportion of people consuming illicit drugs in America has not changed significantly since the war on drugs began. America has spent trillions on this drug war with few results. The Drug War has also wrecked havoc in South America, it has killed thousands while bringing several violent drug cartels to power. Drug abuse is a disease much like alcohol abuse and should be treated with rehabilitation and therapy; A prison sentence is not an effective treatment. A Timeline of America's Drug War (Frontline) The US War on Drugs and its Legacy in Latin America (The Guardian, 2-3-14) Cheaper, Purer Illegal Substances Suggest Global War on Drugs is Failing (CNN, 10-1-13) The New Jim Crow: Drug Policy as Race Policy (The New York Times, 3-6-12) Have We Lost the War on Drugs? (The Wall Street Journal, 1-4-13) EDUCATION AND THE BUBBLE OF STUDENT DEBTEducation Spending, An Area Where America Spends More and Gets Less (World Future Fund Report) The US Student Loan Debt Bubble, A Threat To America's Future (World Future Fund Report) How Wall Street Brokers Are Designing the Future of Public Education as a Money-Making Machine (Truth Out, 12-11-13) College Grads on Food Stamps on the Rise (Alternet, 2-15-13) America's growing education gap (Aljazeera, 2-22-13) AMERICAN IGNORANCE OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS American
people are appallingly ignorant of international affairs. (Salon Web Site, 9-27-01 Just How Stupid Are We?: Facing the Truth About the American Voter: Rick Shenkman AMERICA'S POOR HEALTH CARE CHEMICALS THE WAR ON DRUGS EDUCATION AND STUDENT DEBT BAIL OUTS FOR THE RICH DEBT WHILE THE POOR SUFFER,THE SUPER RICH GET GIANT GOVERNMENT BAILOUTS.The wage gap that exists in America today is unprecedented in history. Six Walmart heirs currently own more wealth than the bottom 30% of America's population. The Federal Reserve is pumping $85 billion worth of new money into the economy each month, yet where is this money going? Job growth is anemic and wages (adjusted for inflation) are back to where they were in the 1960's. The Federal Reserve has handed out $2 trillion in loans, but Bernanke won't say where the money is going. Is this money really being spent to help America, or America's wealthiest citizens? While America's wealthiest citizens get a bail out, American debt and trade deficits continue to escalate. THE FEDERAL RESERVE Federal Reserve is printing $85 billion dollars worth of new money into economy monthly: Economists call this a big mistake (Forbes, 9-20-13) The Federal Reserve’s Nuclear Option: A One-Way Street to Oblivion (2-5-14) Senator Sanders asks Bernanke "Where is The Money?" (YouTube) $9,000,000,000,000 Missing From the Federal Reserve (YouTube, 5-13-12) THE BAILOUTS FOR AMERICA'S BIG BANKS ALONG WITH GROWING INCOME INEQUALITY The $12 Trillion Dollar Bailout (World Future Fund Report) Wealthiest Americans Take Home Biggest Share of Income Ever Recorded (Alternet, 9-11-13) Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Have Raked In $102 Billion In Subsidies Since 2009: Report (Huffington Post, 5-10-13)
AMERICA'S GROWING DEBTDebt is like a drug. It creates a false sense of security while poisoning the mind and the body. With drastic reforms, America's debt crisis can be managed. Yet without the political willpower to tackle this crisis, America's current debt, deficits, lack of savings and overall lack of investment could lead to large scale economic collapse. AMERICAN DEBT Total U.S. Debt As A Share of GNP: CHART (World Future Fund) Debt as a % of GNP at highest level in history. International Savings and Investment (World Future Fund)
Once the world greatest creditor, America is now a basket case with a stunning
$4 trillion more debts than assets. This Surprising Chart Shows Which Countries Own the Most U.S. Debt (Washington Post, 10-10-13) TAXES Taxes and Deficit 1980-2010 (World Future Fund) AMERICA'S POOR HEALTH CARE CHEMICALS THE WAR ON DRUGS EDUCATION AND STUDENT DEBT BAIL OUTS FOR THE RICH DEBT |