We call on all reasonable people to support an internationally supervised plebiscite in Ukraine to help the different provinces to decide their own future. We have both Ukrainian and Russian friends. We need a road to a peaceful future for all. The modern state of "Ukraine" is a completely artificial creation by the German occupation in World War I and the Soviet Union. It contains huge numbers of former Russian territories. In the case of Crimea, over 90% of its people voted to join Russia in an election, and according to a recent poll conducted by the Bloomberg contributor Leonid Bershidsky, a year after annexation a whopping majority of Crimeans (82%) support their region's full inclusion in Russia while only 4% spoke out against it. Few reasonable people dispute the fact that this is the will of the Crimean people. ECONOMIC WARFARE AGAINST RUSSIA A DANGEROUS THREAT TO WORLD ECONOMY: America has threatened economic sanctions against Russia. Yet America is the world's largest debtor with a net deficit position of a staggering $4 trillion according to the Commerce Department. Meanwhile, Europe depends on Russian gas. The United States relies on Russia's space program to get its satellites and rockets into space. American economic warfare against Russia could end up devastating the U.S. economy if it creates major shifts in world credit flows. After all, why trust America with your money if America will try to seize it any time it does not like your policies? WHO WILL PAY UKRAINE'S MASSIVE DEBTS Ukraine needs at least $35 billion in the next two years for their economy to stay afloat. So far, the EU and America have not offered a realistic solution for this dilemma. At best, the IMF has offered a $15 billion dollar loan that would disperse over the next few years. This is less than half of what Ukraine currently needs. We must also keep in mind that before President Viktor Yanukovych was kicked out of office, Russia was willing to buy $15 billion in Ukrainian government bonds up front, as well as lower the prices of their gas. So in the struggle to define the modern state of Ukraine, there is a great economic aspect to this situation. According to the latest news, Ukraine's currency has dropped 50% in two days (Washington Post, 2-6-15). The economic situation is not looking good for Ukraine. RUSSIA IS A NUCLEAR SUPERPOWER THAT CAN WIPE OUT AMERICA IN 45 MINUTES:
Russia is a heavily armed nuclear power with about 8500 nuclear warheads in their arsenal. Do we really want to return to a world on a nuclear hair trigger? Kick starting a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine is one way to bring us back to the Cold War era. AMERICA NEEDS RUSSIA AS AN ALLY FOR DIPLOMACY WITH SYRIA AND IRAN: Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council with veto power. Russia also plays a major role in facilitating diplomacy between America and countries like Iran and Syria. Russia currently has a deal with Syria to collect and destroy their chemical weapons. Russia has also helped in America's nuclear talks with Iran. However, Russia recently stated in 2014 that they might reverse their position due to the situation in Ukraine. Russia Warns West It May Change Its Stance on Iran (The World Post, 4-24-14). AMERICA NEEDS RUSSIA FOR ITS SPACE PROGRAM Since the U.S. space shuttle program was closed down, America has become dependent on Russia for its space program. CONGRESS SUPPORTS ARMING UKRAINE WITH WEAPONS ADDING FUEL TO THE FLAMES OF CONFLICT The U.S. congress has now passed a few bills that support Ukrainian actions against Russia. We have included links to these bills below. Such action is not going to create more peace. If anything, it's going to exacerbate the current conflict. House Bill Condemning Russia Senate Sanction Bill THE NEED FOR AN INTERNATIONALLY SUPERVISED PLEBISCITE: It's time for our world leaders to work together on smart, practical solutions for the good of the future economy, not to pick fights or pick sides. This is why we go back to importance on letting an internationally supervised plebiscite help the different ethnic groups of Ukraine decide their own fate. This solution will help support a lasting peace in Ukraine. AN ETHNIC MAP OF UKRAINE
The current state of the Ukraine is a completely artificial creation. It was originally created by the German invasion and occupation of Ukraine in World War I and then after World War I, the Soviets took over and expanded the borders of the original province of Ukraine to include areas that had never had anything to do with Ukraine, specifically the eastern areas: areas like Kharkov and Donetsk. So, it's very important to understand that the Russian areas of the Ukraine have no historical heritage of being part of the current state of Ukraine. This includes the fact that Crimea was given to Ukraine in 1954 for political reasons. Now, we won't get into all the ins and outs of politics and intrigue in Ukraine, but let's go over some basic points; This is necessary in understanding the massive amounts of anger on both sides of the situation. In the 1930s, Stalin introduced agricultural policies in a reign of terror that murdered millions of the Ukrainian people. So the Ukrainian people have some very important and very well justified long-term reasons to hate the Russians. Now bad relations between Ukrainians and Russians were compounded by the fact that when the Germans invaded in 1941, a lot of the Ukrainian people hated the Russians so much that they sided with the Germans. On the other side, the Russians lost 17 million people in World War II at the hands of the Germans. So the Russians have some tremendously deep emotions about World War II that are also well justified.
Heinrich Himmler reviews Ukrainian Waffen SS Division in 1944 On April 27, 2014 Ukrainian Nationalists marched to honor this organization.
Putting all this together, this is a very dangerous situation, with a lot of ferociously angry and bitter emotions on both sides. This is why an internationally supervised plebiscite is so crucial right now. Read About the History of Ukraine and Russia CRIMEA IS A HISTORICAL PART OF RUSSIAVITAL TO RUSSIA'S NATIONAL SECURITY THE NEED FOR THE WORLD AND AMERICA TO RESPECT THE WILL OF THE CRIMEAN PEOPLEThere has been much outrage in the west about Crimea's recent decision to join Russia. Yet the reality is that Crimea has been part of Russia for 250 years. When looking at the long-standing history between Crimea and Russia, as well as Crimea's ethnically Russian population, it is apparent that the decision of the Crimean people to join Russia is a very logical one, and shouldn't incur so much wrath from nations like America. THE HISTORY OF CRIMEA AND RUSSIA Crimea was absorbed into the Russian empire, along with most of Ukraine, by Catherine The Great in the 18th century. Russia's Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol was founded soon afterwards. Crimea is a site of national and emotional pride for the Russian people. More than a half million people were killed in the Crimean war of 1853-1856 between Russia and The Ottoman Empire, which was backed by Britain and France. The Crimean War reshaped Europe and helped pave the way for World War I. Crimea only became a part of Ukraine in 1954, and still has many ethnic Russians today. Nikita Khrushchev, a politician who lead the Soviet Union during the Cold War, gave Crimea to Ukraine as part of a political power struggle in the Kremlin. So, this was done for political reasons that didn't really have much to do with what made historical sense for the Crimean people. This is why the recent decision of the Crimean people to rejoin Russia is not that much of a surprise. Read About the History of Crimea Another key issue is that Crimea is a key military asset for Russia. Crimea contains Russia's only warm water naval base: The Naval Base at Sevastopol. Without this base, Russia would have no way of extending force through The Mediterranean. Without Crimea, Russia would be severely crippled as a military power. PUTIN AND CRIMEA Putin Gives His Reasons For The Annexation of Crimea (President of Russia, 3-18-14) Question and answer session with Putin (C-SPAN) ONE YEAR LATER, CRIMEANS AS A MAJORITY STILL PREFER RUSSIA One Year Later, Crimeans Prefer Russia (Truth Dig, 2-6-15)
GERMAN SUPPORT FOR RUSSIA'S ANNEXATION OF CRIMEA Many prominent Germans have actually come out and voiced their support for Russia's annexation of Crimea. One of them is the former German Chancellor. 300 German Intellectuals Support Putin, Criticize US-NATO Influence in Europe (Global Research, 4-22-14) (Read the open letter here) Russia's Actions in Crimea 'Completely Understandable' - German ex-Chancellor Schmidt (RT, 3-26-14) Prominent Germans Have Understanding for Russian Annexation of Crimea (Spiegel, 3-31-14) MOST OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION REFUSES TO SUPPORT U.S. POLICY