THE ROLE OF GERMAN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY German Edition Klicken Sie hier für Deutsch The idea of a united Europe has been a dream through European history. It came closest to realization in the time of ancient Rome. Since then there have been many failed efforts such as the Holy Roman Empire, Napoleon and Hitler's Empire. Today, a united Europe is no longer a dream. It is a reality, and it grows stronger each year, even though the process of unification has been a very messy affair (and will continue to be a turbulent and sometimes comical process.). Europe today has a larger economy, a larger population and a larger army than America. It also has a very large defense and armaments industry. If the world situation continues to go downhill, Europe could gain the political will to deploy a far larger military machine than America. Indeed, due to changing technology, a major European rearmament campaign at the end of the decade could give Europe a decisive military edge over America, particularly in light of America's huge budget and trade deficits that will make it very hard for America to respond in kind. AMERICA AND THE EUROPEAN UNION Under President Bush, America's relations with Europe are at an all time low in history. The post World War II "Atlantic Alliance" was held together by fear of Russia, a threat that no longer exists. The American attack on Iraq in 2003 was and is strongly opposed by most Europeans. America and Europe are also very much at odds over global environmental policies. Trade tensions between America and the EU are also heating up. Looking at America and the EU, radical internal and cultural differences can be seen. America is the only modern state that does not have a commitment to the ethic of national health insurance. America's social problems are so serious that it has more people in poverty and in jail than the entire EU combined. Equally serious is the growing disgust in Europe with the influence of many "Christian" religious elements in American politics. These groups are perceived by many Europeans as threatening the global environment by opposing responsible efforts at family planning, sex education, many aspects of the war on AIDS and trying to stop needed medical research. In Europe campaigns by various American "religious" groups against gays, Muslims, Hindus and other minorities are seen as particularly offensive. In Europe it is not at all clear that these people need to be "saved". The most popular American version of Christianity, the evangelical version of Christianity born in England in the 18th century, has little support on the continent of Europe What little support it ever did have is rapidly declining due to the previously mentioned actions of the "religious" right and their attachment of the name of their version of "Jesus" to political projects such as tax cuts for the rich and the invasion of Iraq. GERMANY AND THE EUROPEAN FUTURE Today, the number one economic and military power in Europe is Germany. Indeed, Germany's position of power is now in some ways more advantageous than ever before. Russia is a pale shadow of its former self. England has gone from being a world empire to a small island. France is also no longer a world empire. Germany's emerging power is hidden by the political legacy of World War II. German politicians still play down any pretences of nationalism. However, the Schroeder government has charted an independent foreign policy, particularly in relation to America, that is truly a decisive break with the German postwar past. It is hard to follow some aspects the political debate in Germany because the country still has official censorship laws in place. However, in the last ten years there has been a far more open environment. Many books now appear discussing in great detail the previously heretical notion that America and England committed terrible wars crimes as well as the Nazis. Specifically, these books argue that the decision to use "area bombing", which as a matter of deliberate policy razed whole sections of German cities to the ground, was a war crime. More books are now appearing relating the slaughter of millions of German civilians in the campaign of "ethnic cleansing" organized by the Poles and the Czechs to deport millions of Germans from their lands at the end of World War II. The end result of such books and public discussions (regardless of their merit or lack of merit) is likely to weaken America's moral authority in the eyes of the German people. We are not in a position to resolve debates such as these issues in German history. However, we believe it is critical to know about them. We have listed below a wide collection of German books and political organizations. Some are from the far left. Others are from the far right. As we have always stated in our publications principles, the listing of these groups does not in way imply an endorsement. We are not a rating service. Nor do we have the resources to determine which of these groups does or does not have real power in Germany. What you see here is what is available to the German people today. Germany is going in new directions. As the most powerful nation in Europe, it is important that people understand what is going on. The past can and does haunt the future. The new directions in the public perception of the German past could have a major impact on the German future and the future of the potential global superpower of a united EU. The majority of these sites are in German. When possible we have noted sites that have pages in English, German, and other languages. NOTE: A BRIEF STATEMENT OF PUBLICATIONS PRINCIPLES The World Future Fund serves as a source of documentary material, reading lists, and internet links from different points of view that we believe have historical significance. The publication of this material is in no way whatsoever an endorsement of these viewpoints by the World Future Fund, unless explicitly stated by us. As our web site makes very clear, we are totally opposed to ideas such as racism, religious intolerance, and communism. However, in order to combat such evils, it is necessary to understand them by means of the study of key documentary material. For a more detailed statement of our publications standards click here. POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS • ONLINE AND PRINT MEDIA OUTLETS • GERMAN VICTIMS IN WORLD WAR II
CATEGORIES: IMPORTANT. At the request of our readers the
new edition of this report has split up the organizations by category.
These terms such and "left-wing", "right-wing and "mainstream" are by their very
nature arbitrary and certainly open to debate. They are not meant to
be final. Any critical commentary on this will be reviewed by our
editors if people object to where some organizations are categorized. This
is meant to be a convenience for the busy reader who may not have time to read
Blick nach Rechts German Extremismus und Demokratie German and English Informationsdienst gegen Rechtsextremismus Initiative Some English Netz Gegen Rechtsextremismus Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Nazi Regimes/Bund der Antifaschisten (VVN-BDA) Deutschland Bewegung Deutsche Volksunion Deutsches Kolleg German Eine Bewegung Werden German Institut für Staatspolitik German Nationales Bündnis Dresden German Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD) German Die Republikaner Staatsbriefe German Thule Seminar Werkstatt Neues Deutschland German Official Institutions Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstand German and English Friedrich Ebert Stiftung German, English, and Spanish Fritz Bauer Institut German and English Hamburger Institut für Sozial Forschung German and English ONLINE AND PRINT MEDIA OUTLETS
Altermedia Deutschland German Deutschland Woche German Nation24 German Nordische Zeitung German Papyrossa Verlag German Der Tagesspiegel German Die Welt German Die Zeit German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung German Rheinischer Merkur German Süddeutsche Zeitung German WAR CRIMES AGAINST GERMANS WORLD WAR II EXPULSIONS FROM EASTERN EUROPE
Bund der Vertriebenen
Ostpreussen Info
Erinnerung an Flucht und Vertreibung
German Zentrum
Gegen Vertreibungen Exhibition "Erzwungene Wege" (Forced Paths)
German Academic Papers
Danyel und Phillipp Ther, "Flucht und Vertreibung in europäischer
Perspektive" PDF
German Ulrike Ackermann, "Vergessen zugunsten der Zukunft? Zur Debatte über Vertreibungen" (2002) PDF German Peter Glotz, "Der Kampf Gegen das Verbrechen der Vertreibung" (2004)" PDF German ALLIED BOMBING CAMPAIGN Information on the RAF Bombing Campaign
Bombenkrieg über Deutschland
Museum Bombenkrieg
German INTERNET CENSORSHIP AND THE GERMAN HISTORY DEBATE Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (Federal Office of Protection of the Constitution) German and English
Rechtskampf (Legal Struggle)
The issue of Internet censorship in Germany is connected to the debate about German history. For our report the issue of Internet censorship click the link below. World Future Fund Report on Internet Censorship in Some Key Nations Harvard Study on Filtering Practices by Google in France and Germany CRITICAL PUBLICATIONS ABOUT THE GERMAN NEW RIGHT Brauner-Orthen, Alice. Die Neue Rechte in Deutschland. Leske & Budrich Verlag, 2001 Cremet, Jean, et al. Jenseits des Nationalsozialismus. Unrast, 1999 Nikolay, Bernd. Rechtsextremismus im Internet. Ergon 2000 Pfahl-Traughber, Armin. Rechtsextremismus in der Bundesrepublik. C.H. Beck, 2001 Schmidt, Friedemann. Die Neue Rechte und die Berliner Republik. Westdeutscher Verlag, 2001 RIGHT-WING POLITICAL THEORY AND CURRENT EVENTS Benoist, Alain de. Schöne vernetzte Welt. Eine Antwort auf die Globalisierung. Hohenrain, 2000 Evola, Julius. Revolte gegen die moderne Welt. Reissue Arun Verlag, 2002 Jan von Flocken, Unser Tausendjähriges Reich. Homilius, 2006 Hoppe, Hans-Hermann. Demokratie: Der Gott, der keiner ist. Manuscriptum, 2003 Matthias Matussek, Wir Deutschen: Warum die anderen uns gern haben können. Fischer, 2006 Möllemann, Jürgen. Klartext für Deutschland. Bertelsmann, 2003 Schönhuber, Franz. Europas Patrioten. Woher - Wohin? Die Eurorechte: Chance oder Illusion? Stein, Dieter (Hrsg.). Die Tragödie des Westens. Beiträge und Interviews nach dem 11. September 2001. Weißmann, Karlheinz. Arnold Gehlen: Vordenker eines neuen Realismus. Edition Antaios, 2000 Zitelmann, Rainer. Wohin treibt unsere Republik? Ullstein, 1995 STANDARD HISTORIES OF GERMANY 1871 TO 1945 Benz, Wolfgang. Geschichte des Dritten Reiches. C.H. Beck, 2000 Broszat, Martin. Der Staat Hitlers. dtv, 2000 Buchheim, Hans, et al. Anatomie des SS-Staates. dtv, 1999 Fest, Joachim. Hitler: Eine Biographie. Propyläen Edition, 1995 Frei, Norbert. Der Führerstaat: Nationalsozialistische Herrschaft 1933 bis1945. dtv, 2001 Haffner, Sebastian. Von Bismarck zu Hitler. Droemer Knaur, 2001 Höhne, Heinz. Der Orden unter Dem Totenkopf: Die Geschichte der SS. Orbis Edition, 2002. Mommsen, Hans. Aufstieg und Untergang der Republik von Weimar 1918-1933. Propyläen, 2001 Peukert, Detlev J.K. Die Weimarer Republik. Suhrkamp, 1987 Wehler, Hans-Ulrich. Das Deutsche Kaiserreich 1871-1918. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1994 Winkler, Heinrich A. Weimar 1918-1933. C.H. Beck, 1999 RIGHT-WING EXAMINATIONS OF GERMAN HISTORY Mohler, Armin. Die Konservative Revolution in Deutschland 1918-1932. Stocker 1999 Weißmann, Karlheinz. Rückruf in die Geschichte. Ullstein, 1992 GERMANS AS VICTIMS OF ALLIED BOMBING Bahsen, Uwe, et al. Die Stadt, die Sterben sollte Burgdorf, Stephan, et al. Als Feuer vom Himmel Fiel: Der Bombenkrieg in Deutschland Friedrich, Jörg. Der Brand: Deutschland im Bombenkrieg 1940-1945 Hage, Volker. Zeugen der Zerstörung: Die Literaten und der Luftkrieg Kucklick, Christoph. Der Feuersturm: Bombenkrieg über Deutschland PHOTOGRAPHIC BOOKS Beseler, Hartwig/Niels Gutschow. Kriegsschicksale Deutscher Architektur Eckhardt, Götz. Schicksale Deutscher Baudenkmale im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Wiesbaden, 2001 Friedrich, Jörg. Brandstätten: Der Anblick des Bombenkrieges Junge Freiheit (Hrsg.) Der Tod fiel vom Himmel: Schicksale im Bombenkrieg 1940-1945 (See web site below) VIDEOS E-M-S. Luftangriff auf Dresden E-M-S. Luftangriff auf Hamburg Spiegel TV. Feuersturm: Bombenkrieg gegen Deutschland GERMANS AS VICTIMS OF THE RED ARMY Czernin, Rudolf. Das Ende der Tabus. Stocker, 1998 Hoffmann, Joachim. Stalins Vernichtungskrieg: Planung und Ausführung 1941-1945. Herbig, 2001 Maser, Werner. Das Wortbruch: Hitler, Stalin und der Zweite Weltkrieg. Heyne, 2001 Schön, Heinz. Flucht aus Ostpreussen 1945: Die Menschenjagd der Roten Armee. Arndt Verlag, 2001 VIDEOS Ostpreussen im Inferno: Dokumentation der Tragödie von Juni 1944 bis Januar 1945 (Released 1999) Ostpreussen im Todeskampf '45 (Released 2000) THE EXPULSION OF GERMANS FROM EASTERN EUROPE Bacque, James. Verschwiegene Schuld: Die allierte Besatzungspolitik in Deutschland nach 1945 De Zayas, Alfred. Die Anglo-Amerikaner und die Vertreibung der Deutschen. Ullstein, 1999 Erika Morgenstern, Überleben war schwerer als Sterben, Ostpreussen 1944-1948 (Herbig, 2004) Röhl, Klaus R. Verbotene Trauer: Ende der deutschen Tabus. Universitas Verlag, 2002 Weinhold, Manfred. Deutschlands Gebietsverluste 1919-1945. Arndt Verlag 2003 ALLEGED POLISH WAR CRIMES Reinoß, Herbert (Hrsg). Letzte Tage in Ostpreussen. Ullstein Tagebuch Verlag, 1985 Schacht, Ulrich (Hrsg). Letzte Tage in Mecklenburg. Langen/Mueller, 2002 Seidel, Theodor. Kriegsverbrechen in Ostsachsen. Das Neue Berlin, 2001 ALLEGED CZECH WAR CRIMES Dedina, Sidonia. Edvard Benes - Der Liquidator. Franzel, Emil. Die Vertreibung: Sudetenland 1945-1946. Aufstieg Verlag, 1992 Glotz, Peter. Die Vertreibung: Böhmen als Lehrstuck. Ullstein, 2003 Richter, Walli (Hrsg). Letzte Tage im Sudetenland. Langen/Mueller, 2002 PHOTO BOOKS ON THE THIRD REICH Arndt Verlag. Hitlers Neue Reichskanzlei: "Haus des Großdeutschen Reiches" 1938-1945 Arndt Verlag. Hitlers Berghof 1928-1945 Arndt Verlag. Führerhauptquartier Wolfschanze 1940-1945 Hurgronje, C. Snouck. Die grossen Militärparaden des Dritten Reiches Reichhardt, Hans J. & Wolfgang Schäche. Von Berlin nach Germania. Transit Buchverlag, 1998 Schön, Heinz. Hitlers Traumschiffe: Die "Kraft durch Freude" Flotte 1934-1939 Ullrich, Viktor. Reichsparteitag 1938 "Grossdeutschland". Nation Europa Verlag, 2003 Vosselman, Arend. Reichsautobahn: Schoenheit, Natur, Technik Wallner, Franz. Der Österreich-Anschluß. POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS • ONLINE AND PRINT MEDIA OUTLETS • GERMAN VICTIMS IN WORLD WAR II INTERNET CENSORSHIP • BOOKS AND VIDEOS |