THE ESTATE TAX DEBATE![]() America currently has one of the highest levels of estate taxes in the
world Social democratic states like Norway and Sweden have abolished the estate tax. 2017 was a serious lost opportunity for estate tax reform. While the exemption was raised, the tax remained. We have put together an assortment of links that explain both sides of
the argument, Check out the links below and form your own opinion on estate tax reform. Charts Time to Repeal (Longer) Charts New WHAT IS THE ESTATE TAX? What is the Estate Tax in the United States? (Wikipedia) Introduction to Estate and Gift Taxes (IRS) Historical and Future Federal Gift Tax Exemptions and Rates ARGUMENTS FOR REPEALING THE ESTATE TAX Estate Tax Fails on All Fronts, Says New Joint Economic Committee Republican Study (Joint Economic Committee Republicans) Estate Tax Even Worse than Republicans Say (Tax Foundation) U.S. Public Opinion Opposed to Estate Tax (Forbes) Economic Case Against the Death Tax (Federal Estate Tax) Heritage Foundation GROUPS WORKING TO REPEAL OR REDUCE THE ESTATE TAX American Business Defence Foundation Family Business Coalition Twitter Facebook Policy and Taxation Group Facebook Twitter NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Relief from the Estate Tax (National Federation of Independent Business) Family Business Estate Tax Coalition Letter to Congress on Fiscal Cliff PDF (2012) Groups push to rein in estate tax (The Hill) (2012) Repealing the Federal Estate Tax (CATO Institute PDF) ARGUMENTS FOR INCREASING THE ESTATE TAX It's Fair, and We Need the Revenue (The Wall Street Journal) The Myths and Realities Behind the Estate Tax (Center and Budget Policy Priorities) GROUPS WORKING TO RAISE ESTATE TAXES Americans for a Fair Estate Tax Coalition TAX RATES PER YEAR
OLDER ESTATE TAX BILLS 2017 133 organizations support these bills.
H.R. 1105 Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015 Kevin Brady's Bill Passed by US House of Representatives OLDER BILLS H.R. 2429: Death Tax Repeal Act of 2013 Mac Thornberry's Bill H.R. 147: Death Tax Repeal Act of 2013 Tim Griffin's Bill SENATORIAL ATTEMPTS TO REPEAL ESTATE TAX John Thune's Bill S. 1183: Death Tax Repeal Act of 2013 John Boozman's Bill S.1402 Death Tax Repeal Act of 2013 No Cosponsors